My days in Mexico City are becoming quite eventful, It was a beautiful day outside and a great time to work again with one of my favorite models. Anabel Jaimes
Anabel is a very hard lady to get in one place with a few hours to spare so we didn’t waste a minute while we had the chance, we both agreed to just go have fun. After raiding her closet we set out to find some great walls here in the big city. A fresh coat of paint and some bright colors never hurts for a backdrop. Annie had a few fun piece she wanted try so we found ourselves a school bus and more. 🙂
As I mentioned Anabel works day and night and we found our locations as we drove her to work, If you follow the blog you will recognize her from yesterday’s post as the Lucha Libre Ring Model.
Thanks Anabel and Lorena for putting up with me and my ideas.
Hermosa chica, exelentes fotos!!!!!
Buenas imagenes